
南澳大学理学硕士(M.S.在圣. 十大网赌软件下载平台 is accredited by the Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200研究大道310号, 罗克维尔市, MD, 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.

阅读2019-2023年战略计划 (pdf)


#按时完成任务#延迟完成#未完成 完成率
2022-23 28 1 1 93%
2021-22 31 0 1 97%
2020-21 28 0 0 100%
3年平均值 97%

2022-23 29 25 86
2021-22 29 29 100
2020-21 28 26 93
2019-20 29 28 97

2022-23 29 28 96
2021-22 29 29 100
2020-21 28 28 100
2019-20 29 29 100

2022-23 29 0
2021-22 28 0
2020-21 29 0




The mission of the 语言病理学硕士 program is to develop exceptional speech-language pathologists dedicated to positively impacting their communities through service, 宣传, 和奖学金.

该项目的毕业生将以其最靠谱的十大网赌网站的承诺而闻名, 高标准的职业行为, 对人类多样性的敏感性, 以及他们运用自己的知识和技能丰富他人生活的能力和意愿.



截至9月1日, 2014, individuals applying for certification in speech-language pathology must have completed a course in each of the following areas: biological science, 物理科学(化学或物理), 统计数据, 以及行为/社会科学.

Applicants must also have been assessed to ensure that they have achieved the knowledge and skills outlined in the 2020 Standards for Certification in Speech-Language Pathology in a graduate program holding accreditation or accreditation candidacy status by the Council on Academic 认证 in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA).

Achievement of the knowledge areas outlined in the standards is typically through completion of academic course work. Skill areas in the standards would typically be achieved through participation in clinical practicum (400 clock hours total, 包括25小时的临床观察, 375 clock hours in direct client/patient contact of which 325 are at the graduate level); 然而, 学术课程可以以他们希望的任何方式评估是否符合标准. Many of the assignments completed as part of your academic coursework will aid in developing the skills areas outlined in the standards.

在完成学术课程和临床实习要求后, individuals applying for certification in speech-language pathology must complete a Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Fellowship (SLPCF) experience under the mentorship of an individual holding ASHA certification. 该经验必须包括相当于36周的全职临床实践, 全职的定义是每周35小时.

Applicants for certification in speech-language pathology must also successfully complete the Praxis examination in speech-language pathology that is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Results of the examination must be submitted to ASHA directly from ETS no more than five years prior to submission of the application for certification and no less than two years following completion of the knowledge and skills required for certification. 一旦获得认证, individuals must comply with the Certification Maintenance requirements outlined in the 2014 standards and must also remit a yearly certification fee.

学生 completing graduate training from an accredited or candidacy accredited program become eligible for certification by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA). The Association awards the Certificate of Clinical Competence to educationally and professionally qualified applicants. 通常, 符合ASHA认证要求的个人将有资格获得州许可. 一些州, 然而, 要求在项目课程之外的课程作业, 为了在公立学校工作. Resources related to state licensure requirements and state Department of Education requirements are available at the website below. 请注意法律, 法规和政策可能随时发生变化, 所以一定要向你计划练习的州查询最新的信息.





1. 该计划遵循的指导,提出了 ASHA技术报告, 学生 and Professionals Who Speak English with Accents and Nonstandard Dialects: Issues and Recommendations and SAU guidelines.
2. 请参阅 语言能力信息页.

Applicants to the SAU MSLP Program who have been denied acceptance into the program may appeal the decision to the 项目负责人. Applicants have two weeks from the decision date to inform the 项目负责人 of his/her plan to appeal the admission decision. The 项目负责人 and applicant will arrange a time to meet face-to-face or via the phone to discuss the admission decision. The applicant will have two weeks following that conversation to submit a letter and any supporting documentation to support reasons why the denial should be overturned. That information will be received by the 项目负责人 and delivered to the program's Admission Appeals Committee. 委员会将有两个星期的时间来审议这项上诉. 委员会的决定将立即通过电话和正式信函通知申请人.

视情况而定, 学术申请通常由课程导师提出,其次是项目主管和学院院长. 如果需要上诉以获得更详细的信息,应咨询其中一人. 学生 who feel their rights have been abridged may file a complaint with the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act Office (FERPA), 卫生署, 教育及福利, 华盛顿特区, 20201. 隐私法案的副本可从学生服务中心获得.

学生, 谁认为他们的记录包含不准确或误导性的信息, 或以其他方式侵犯其隐私或其他权利, 应遵循以下程序:

  • 与注册员非正式地讨论这个问题. 如果他/她同意学生的意见,记录将被修改.
  • 如注册处处长不愿修改纪录, 学生可向教务副校长提出书面申请, 正式听证会. 由教务副校长组成的听证小组, 教职员大会主席, 和学生教务长——将听取学生提交的相关证据. 专家组的书面裁决书将总结证据并说明作出决定的理由.
  • 不同意听证小组决定的学生可以在他们的记录中包括书面评论.
  • 那些觉得自己没有得到公平听证的学生可以向大学校长申诉.

高等教育的整个结构是建立在智力诚实的基础上的. 学生 have a right to learn in an academic environment free from plagiarism; cheating and other academic dishonesty (see policy below).

a. 学术不诚实的潜在后果
由教练自行决定, 潜在的后果可能包括重新提交或重新参加作业或考试, 作业或考试得了“F”, receiving an "F" for the unit in which the assignment or exam occurred to receiving an "F" for the entire course. The instructor is responsible for reporting an act of academic dishonesty to the director of registration, 谁将把这些信息放在机密文件中. Severe or repeated acts of academic dishonesty will automatically be evaluated by the Board of Studies and may result in sanctions such as suspension, 驱逐, 或者失去学术荣誉. 学生的成绩可能会改变,即使是在完成一门课程之后. 事故报告, 包括任何文件和所采取的行动, 会存放在注册主任办公室吗.

b. 涉嫌学术欺诈的程序
An instructor who has evidence or suspects an act of academic dishonesty has taken place is responsible for acting in accordance with the St. 十大网赌软件下载平台学术诚信政策. 除了, 其他人, 包括学生, 谁有理由最靠谱的十大网赌网站违规行为已经发生, 应该通知老师, 项目负责人, 或以口头或书面形式与教务长联系. The names of those supplying information other than the instructor will be held in confidence to the extent reasonably possible. 所有被指控的学术不诚实行为将由教务处报告并存档. 在轻微违规的情况下, 教师将与学生讨论指控,并建议适当的制裁. 学生可以接受诉讼,也可以要求在研究委员会举行正式听证会. In the event of a repeat violation or if an instructor suspects organized cheating or severe acts of academic dishonesty, 调查将由研究委员会进行. The Board of Studies will determine which sanctions will be enforced; its ruling may be appealed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


Elisa Huff博士,项目主管

1310 W. 愉快的圣.
达文波特,IA 52804


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