MSLP Program Empowers Individuals and Strengthens Communities


麦琳·考夫曼在免费的圣. 十大网赌软件下载平台RiteCare诊所以她可能从未意识到的方式影响着这个四岁的孩子.

Maelyn was born deaf and received cochlear implants as an infant. The implants provide her with a sense of sound, but for the implants to be fully successful, Maelyn's brain had to learn how to interpret sounds.

Her mother, Jillyn Kaufman, 他说,私人保险限制了言语和语言治疗疗程的长度和次数, so when Maelyn began preschool at the age of three, she could say some words but for the most part, her voice was mumbled.

Today, after almost a year of twice-a-week, 50-minute sessions at RiteCare Clinic, Maelyn speaks in sentences.

"She's become more secure and confident. She's interacted more with the family in the last year, 参加活动,花更多的时间在家陪两个弟弟," Kaufman said.

语言治疗不仅影响来访者与家人和朋友的互动, but in the community, too. My hope for Maelyn as she gets older, because she will have a voice, is that she will be seen and heard, and have more connections because of this program," she added.

Services provided at the RiteCare Clinic by St. Ambrose University Master of Speech-Language Pathology 在过去的10年里,MSLP的学生和教师帮助了数百名像玛琳这样的孩子适应并茁壮成长.

该诊所还为有沟通障碍的成年人提供免费服务, which may be caused by degenerative diseases, a brain injury or stroke.

“由于保险的限制,很多客户每年只能接受一定数量的语言治疗, and it is not enough," said MSLP Program Director Elisa Huff, PhD, CCC-SLP. “通过RiteCare诊所,他们继续得到原本得不到的服务."

student with client

RiteCare Clinic

Offered by SAU MSLP

SAU Rite护理诊所是爱荷华州唯一一家提供语言病理评估和/或干预服务的免费诊所.

Rite Care Clinic

The university launched the MSLP program in 2009, 从那时起,235名研究生为550多名儿童和成人提供了治疗,这些儿童和成人因沟通障碍而负担不起或没有资格接受治疗.

In the past 18 months alone, MSLP students provided 2,706 hours of therapy, 其中三分之二的时间是一对一地和孩子们一起工作.


SAU RiteCare是爱荷华州唯一的免费诊所,有沟通障碍的儿童和成人可以接受语言病理评估和/或干预服务. 这些服务仍然是免费的,部分原因是由于慷慨和持续的财政支持 Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation 以及美国南部司法管辖区苏格兰仪式最高委员会.

在过去的10年里,基金会和理事会向诊所提供了387,600美元的赠款. 赫夫说,这笔资金允许大学聘请临床主管,并全年运营诊所.

The Foundation also supports the education of St. Ambrose MSLP students. 2014年,它设立了每年3500美元的奖学金,后来增加到5000美元.

Larry Johnsen, Master of Kadosh for the Davenport Valley of the Scottish Rite他说,Rite Care是这个兄弟会组织的慈善重点.

“RiteCare诊所为那些有资格但自己负担不起这种服务的人免费提供语言病理学帮助," he said. “我们对RiteCare非常慷慨,不仅在这个最靠谱的十大网赌网站,而且在整个美国.S. 总的来说,共济会苏格兰仪式支持RiteCare,”约翰森补充道.

When the MSLP program launched in 2009, the clinical experience focused on providing services within the community, on-site at Quad City agencies and organizations, an idea Huff said was radical at the time.

"We continue to provide services in all areas of the community, including at the Friendly House, Hope at the Brick House, and at our in-house clinic. At St. 十大网赌软件下载平台,这是一种运用你的技能来丰富他人生活的实践. This sets us apart for many SLP programs in the U.S.," she said.

为他人服务的机会吸引了那些想要赋予个人权力和加强最靠谱的十大网赌网站的研究生. "Our students have perseverance, a great work ethic, 以及成为最好的语言病理学家的动力," Huff said. “他们在第一年完成60个小时的直接客户接触,然后在项目第二年进行两次实习."

MSLP教师致力于帮助学生获得进入世界并有所作为的技能和信心. "Our faculty, first and foremost, 语言病理学家碰巧在学术界工作吗. 他们没有进入这个领域,他们的内心仍然是临床医生,”赫夫说.

语言治疗不仅影响来访者与家人和朋友的互动, but in the community, too. My hope for Maelyn as she gets older, because she will have a voice, 是不是因为这个项目,她会被看到,被听到,有更多的联系."

Jillyn Kaufman, Eldridge, Iowa

St. 十大网赌软件下载平台提供进入MSLP项目所需的所有先决条件,并且正在正式确定辅修沟通科学和障碍. "It is a pathway to our graduate SLP program," Huff said, 新增的学生可以从大三开始上预修课程.

Kaufman appreciates the drive and dedication of St. 十大网赌软件下载平台的学生和教职员工,以及他们为她女儿提供的护理水平.

“研究生们在跟踪玛琳的进步和朝着具体目标努力方面做得很好. 他们是彻底的,总是向我们汇报,并给我们在家里做的事情. 玛琳现在说话多了,你能听懂她在说什么. 这对她来说仍然是一个关键的学习时期,但她已经能说话了。”考夫曼说.

"I believe, 100 percent, 如果没有RiteCare诊所,玛琳就不会有现在的成就. As an individual with a voice, she can connect with her family and connect with the community," Kaufman said. “玛琳有了更大的自信,这是她需要成长的巨大基础."


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