Alcohol and Drug Policy


as published in the St. Ambrose University Student Handbook

Position Statement

1989年《十大网赌软件下载平台》修正案, Part 86, 作为接受联邦计划下的资金或任何其他形式的财政援助的条件, an institution of higher education must certify it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, 学生和雇员使用或分发非法药物和酒精. St. 因此,十大网赌软件下载平台维持和执行与联邦一致的酒精和其他药物政策, State of Iowa, and local laws. St. Ambrose University believes that alcohol abuse is a significant health issue that is counterproductive to the pursuit of academic excellence. 虽然我们不认为酒精和其他药物的使用对个人健康有害, the risk remains high that traditional college age students in particular may become involved in the abusive behaviors associated with use that impacts their academic performance, health, and overall well-being.

Educational Approach

作为一所高等教育机构,圣. 十大网赌软件下载平台致力于全人教育, both in and out of the classroom. St. Ambrose University expects students to make informed decisions regarding the role alcohol use will play in their college learning experience. 我们的政策是为了鼓励安全, healthy, responsible, 以及合法使用酒精和其他药物. 大学认真对待酒精和其他药物使用和滥用问题, 因为这些行为会影响一个人在课堂内外取得成功的能力. 认识到酒精使用和滥用在我们社会中的突出地位,并认识到政策不一定规定行为, 我们认为对学生进行这些问题的教育是至关重要的. To be most effective, 我们认为,建立一个允许自由讨论这一主题的环境至关重要.

Campus Impact

酒精和其他药物的消耗已被证明会导致行为和生理上的一些变化, 特别是对大学生的健康和福利构成了重大威胁. 即使少量使用也会损害判断力、协调性和抽象的心理功能. 统计显示,绝大多数的暴力行为(包括性暴力), 大学校园里的故意破坏和人身攻击都与饮酒有关. Our campus is no different. Additionally, 持续使用会对社会关系造成压力,并可能导致依赖, 这往往会对重要器官造成永久性损害,不利于健康的生活方式.

Medical Amnesty

St. Ambrose University seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that both respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of all community members. St. Ambrose strongly encourages students to call Campus Security (563-333-6104 or 911 from campus phones) to provide medical assistance for those who may have been harmed or are dangerously under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 没有学生因吸毒或酗酒而求医, 或者在酒精或其他药物的影响下可能需要帮助的人, 将会受到大学纪律处分. 十大网赌软件下载平台行为准则,因为它涉及到酒精和药物使用. 行为是否应被视为违反行为准则, 重点将放在肯定个人和集体学生的福祉首先和首要. However, 学生可能会被要求对醉酒时的行为负责, as intoxication will not be viewed as an acceptable excuse to alleviate individuals of responsibility or accountability for a policy violation. Medical amnesty will be granted to both the intoxicated student and to the student(s) seeking medical assistance on behalf of the intoxicated student.

General Alcohol Policy Guidelines

Wishing to establish an environment that fosters academic excellence while educating our students on the complexities of alcohol and other drug use, St. 十大网赌软件下载平台成立了圣. Ambrose Alcohol Policy as follows: 

  1. Students are expected to encourage responsible drinking behavior by those individuals who choose to consume alcohol and to respect the choices of individuals who choose not to consume alcohol.
  2. Consumption by, supplying and/or selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21 is illegal in the State of Iowa and a violation of University policy.
  3. 在学生的职业生涯中,违反酒精政策的行为是累积的.
  4. No alcohol, powdered alcohol ("palcohol"), low alcohol beer ("light beer, non-alcoholic beer, small beer, small ale, or near-beer"), 或酒精容器(包括空容器)允许在传统的学生宿舍(柏克德), Cosgrove, Davis, Franklin, North traditional suites, and Rohlman halls). All students present, regardless of age, 会在违反饮酒政策的情况下饮酒吗, powdered alcohol ("palcohol"), low alcohol beer ("light beer, non-alcoholic beer, small beer, small ale, or near-beer"), 或者在房间或房子里发现酒精容器和/或在住宅区消费.
  5. In a "preferred" housing setting, 当发现未成年人饮酒时, 被发现饮酒的主人和未成年人可能会因违反酒精政策而被拘留.
  6. 任何人不得在校园公共场所持有或饮用含酒精饮料. 公共区域包括学生宿舍以外的所有地方, "preferred" apartments in Tiedemann, Hagen, houses, North Hall apartments, or townhouses.
  7. 当在校园财产或大学宿舍遇到违反政策的行为时, 大学工作人员将指导主人和/或客人正确处理所有酒精, powdered alcohol ("palcohol"), 低酒精和不含酒精的啤酒(“淡啤酒”), non-alcoholic beer, small beer, small ale, or near-beer"), 以及在违反政策的地方可以找到的酒精容器.
  8. Kegs, pony kegs, or other common sources of alcohol, 将不允许在大学学生宿舍. 这些物品将被没收,不予退还.
  9. 由于它们的使用性质和它们的存在鼓励过度使用和/或聚会的现实, 住宅设施内不允许有酒吧.
  10. 酒精不能作为奖品或奖励.
  11. Competitive drinking games (any type of game that can reasonably be assumed is for the purpose of alcohol consumption) and equipment (i.e. 啤酒桌球、轮盘赌、跳棋、象棋、啤酒漏斗等等.) are prohibited. 设备将被没收,不得退还.
  12. No advertisements, including t-shirt designs, that promote alcohol consumption may be printed in student publications or posted on campus unless the event is sponsored and approved by the University.
  13. 酒类经销商的名称和标识, 酿酒商和蒸馏商可能不会出现在印刷的程序上, 运动队或学生组织的日程表或海报.
  14. Posters, containers and other items that refer to alcohol may not be displayed in areas of student residences visible to the public. 这些区域包括窗户、外门和门廊. 未能将这些物品从公众视野中移除可能会受到纪律处分.

Drug Policy

St. Ambrose enforces drug policies consistent with state and federal statutes and has declared a drug-free workplace at all locations at which the University conducts business. Students, faculty, 员工禁止使用, possession, manufacturing, 销售或分销任何非法管制药物. 吸毒:使用和拥有毒品用具, 包括但不限于吹管, rolling paper, pipes, etc., is also prohibited. 

如果学生认为她/他有药物滥用问题,并在违反本政策之前寻求帮助, 学校将通过咨询办公室提供支持, 谁负责保密和免费的面试, assessment, mental health counseling, 并为所有学生提供转介服务.

Tobacco-Free Environment Policy

考虑到所有人的健康、安全和舒适. Ambrose students, employees and visitors, 并符合爱荷华州法律(爱荷华州法典第142D章), 任何形式的烟草都是被禁止使用的. Ambrose University.

这项政策禁止使用任何形式的烟草, 或烟草类产品(如电子烟或电子烟), but is not limited to, 大学场地,包括停车场, athletic fields, 以及圣. Ambrose University, residential housing, offices, classrooms, student residences, lounges, hallways, dining facilities, rest rooms, 大学拥有的入口通道和封闭区域.

在任何时候,学校拥有的车辆都禁止使用任何形式的烟草或类似烟草的产品. 禁止在任何车辆内吸烟, 无论是大学的还是私人的, located on school grounds.吸烟者必须在进入任何校园财产或场地前妥善处理任何烟草材料. 校园内不设烟灰缸或烟盒.

禁止在校园内销售烟草或类似烟草的产品. 所有求职者和学生将被告知无烟政策.Employees and students who want help curbing their use of tobacco may obtain literature and smoking cessation assistance from the St. 十大网赌软件下载平台人力资源办公室或健康服务办公室.

所有学生、员工和访客都有责任遵守和执行这项政策. 任何违反爱荷华州法律的人都可能受到该州法规的约束, enforcement and civil penalties.

St. Ambrose employees and students in violation of the University's policy may also be subject to University disciplinary action.

The University shall not discharge, refuse to employ, 或者以任何方式报复员工, prospective employee, 或学生行使爱荷华州法典第142D章规定的权利, 包括登记投诉或起诉索赔的权利.

St. Ambrose also considers electronic cigarettes/smokeless cigarettes/e-cigs to be in violation of the Tobacco-Free Environment Policy. People who use these items on campus property will be in violation of the University's policy and subject to University discipline action.


Federal guidelines note above dictate that institutions of higher education must demonstrate that policies are appropriately enforced. 达到符合预期的无导向, 大学首先提供了一定程度的信任, 除非你有理由不这么认为, 每个学生都在履行他们的合同承诺,遵守学校的政策, local, state, and federal law. 大学的工作人员将面对所有实际的和可疑的违反政策,我们知道. The University reserves the right to search any personal property brought on campus if reasonable suspicion exists that a university policy is being violated. 这包括背包、钱包、车辆和其他封闭的容器.

Further, empty alcohol containers and other elements found in student rooms or houses that suggest evidence of possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus may be grounds for disciplinary action. 工作人员是否应该处理一种情况, 希望在场的个人遵守学院官员提出的所有合理要求. 所有在场的人都应该在与员工的互动中表现出尊重,并真实地展示自己. 



爱荷华州法律认为非法持有和使用酒精是一种简单的轻罪. 请访问爱荷华州法典第123节.47A. 同样,联邦法律禁止未成年人饮酒. Read about them at the 国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒研究所

Drug (Controlled Substances) Use

地方法规遵循国家关于制裁违规行为的指导方针. 爱荷华州法律认为是制造, deliver, 或持有非法毒品是B级重罪, 最高可判处50年监禁和100万美元罚款.

Federal law (specifically the Controlled Substances Act 于1970年通过)同样禁止生产, distribution, 以及持有管制药物. 


St. 十大网赌软件下载平台认识到有必要继续进行有关酒精和其他药物使用的教育. As a result, the Alcohol and Other Drug Environmental Review Council exists to oversee the implementation of a comprehensive educational program. Additionally, 该委员会的工作是评估整体成效,并为未来的举措提出建议. 通过与校园最靠谱的十大网赌网站成员合作, AOD环境审查委员会试图对十大网赌软件下载平台最靠谱的十大网赌网站进行有关酒精使用的教育, abuse, 以及这些选择对教育环境的影响. 节目的目的是提高学生的意识,并进一步告知他们, faculty, and staff regarding current usage, 高等教育中酒精和其他药物使用的趋势, 以及每个人可以做些什么来减少使用的负面影响的风险,以创造安全, healthy responsible, and legal patterns of use.

Additionally, the St. Ambrose University conduct review process includes educational sanctioning for violations involving the alcohol and other drug policies. These include, but are not limited, to: personal assessments, reflection papers, seminars, attending educational events, research, 并帮助教育项目. 多次违规或行为严重恶劣的情况可能导致停职和解雇.

Substance Abuse Support Program

The counseling center coordinates evaluation and support for students whose alcohol or other drug use interferes with their academic or social success. The Director of Counseling oversees the use all available campus and community resources to restore the health and effectiveness of these students. Procedures include:

1.  Self-Referral. 需要帮助的学生应该打电话给咨询中心并与辅导员交谈. 在任何时候都要保密. The counselor will work with the student to evaluate the information presented and suggest available campus-based or community resources. The counselor will maintain confidentiality unless the student requests in writing that someone else be informed of the situation.
2. Faculty/Staff/Peer Referral. If a student's class attendance, performance, 或者一个特殊的事件表明学生正在受到酒精和/或其他药物使用的负面影响, 教师/工作人员应该首先直接与学生分享他们的担忧, 建议学生联系咨询主任进行免费和保密的评估. With the student's permission, 辅导员将建议教师/工作人员采取任何可能有帮助的进一步行动. 当转介不是基于行为准则的情况下, the counseling office and the university have the greatest range of options available to assist the overall health and well-being of the individual student. All information pertaining to the student's referral and information provided by the coordinator to the faculty/staff will be held in strict confidence.

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